Star Trek III – 40 years of the Search for Spock

Whom Pods Destroy
Whom Pods Destroy
Star Trek III - 40 years of the Search for Spock

Derek, Terry and Graham are back back back after another hiatus. In this edition we celebrate the 40th anniversary for Star Trek III – The Search For Spock.

For those of us that have loved this movie since its release in 1984 it has been gratifying to see this movie getting the love it deserve despite its flaws.

The plot is to be frank, hokey. The film had to walk back on a creative decision that made its forerunner, The Wrath Of Khan, the movie it is. In that respect it was always going to struggle. But over the years Leonard Nimoy’s directorial debut has found a place in Trek canon, mainly for its wonderful character moments, the birth of the modern Klingons and the huge emotional payoff that was the destruction of the Enterprise.

Episode 5: Original Series Klingons

Whom Pods Destroy
Whom Pods Destroy
Episode 5: Original Series Klingons




Join Terry, Derek and Graham on an epic journey through the Klingons of Star Trek The Original Series and subsequent movies.

The guys discuss the three big Klingon characters of TOS: Kor, Kang & Koloth and compare them to their ridged compatriots in the movies such as Kruge, Gorkon, Chang and co. They ask if there is any connections with post TOS Klingons and if the stories told featuring these Klingons resonate today. The conversation also diverts to a quick chat on the Klingon D7 ships and the Italian space opera Star Crash.

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